Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Phony Facebook Friends

facebook, originally uploaded by benstein.

Since I'm nosy by nature Facebook has been a brilliant way to take my character flaw to the next level. I love checking up on old friends, looking at pictures and posting brilliant little nuggets of wisdom periodically. I don't like all the wacky farm and mob games on there but I deal. What I can't cope with are "friends" of mine trying to sell me stuff or trying to advertise their stupid company. Now I don't mind if someone has a business and sets up a Facebook page to advertise or to interact with their customers - in that businesses name. More power to 'em. Go get 'em 21st century business guy.

What I do mind is when someone uses their personal account to bombard all of their FB friends with promotional crap. This was supposed to be a social network right? Not a billboard for your crappy tchochkies. If I want to be a fan of your store or service I'll do so. If we're FB friends I'm looking for shots of your family on vacation and an occasional amusing/interesting link to a newspaper story. I don't want to buy your stuff and I don't need to know how much your business has grown. Don't make me un-friend you.

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