Sunday, July 11, 2010

In The Name of Love

My wife has give me strict instructions that I am not allowed to blog about her job. A reasonable request for sure but I think I can skirt around that guideline and still make my point here.

I can't believe the news today...So my wife rocks in the corporate world. She's the Bono of HR. She's so awesome that her career has allowed one of us (me) to stay home with the kids. A dream both of us had way back before we even had the little darlings. Actually she had them. I hate when guys say "we" had the kids. Not anatomically possible. Anyway, I'm sure both of us would have envisioned my wife home with the kids in that dream scenario back then. Nevertheless, here we are.

Now that we've gotten to this place we're both adjusting to our new roles. Me as the primary care provider and chief boo-boo kisser and my wife as super-executive able to lead high level conference calls in a single bound (or something). I think there are times that we'd like to swap jobs but I don't think there has ever been a time (yet) that we've regretted the decisions we've made to get us here. We've been so blessed to find this town and have the experiences we've had along this wild journey. Who knows what the future will bring but the present is pretty darn good.

I promise to blog something a little edgier/angrier next time. I know it's not exciting reading when someone blathers on about how great their life is and how much they love their family, but you know what - I do and I will. The people closest to you need to here how valuable they are from time to time. I just thought my wife warranted a virtual fist bump for the amazing life she's provided for her peeps. She's the front man in our band these days. I'm happy to be the rhythm section.

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